dynamicWatch Premium
Premium adds customizable dwMap data fields, turn navigation prompts & off-course warnings, background maps; route/profile previews for routeCourse; and website route Archive & Collections, elevation graphs and stats, 3D Route Previews, Heatmaps, GPX exports and is advert-free.
- Upgrading to dynamicWatch Premium
- Planner Set as Route Start/End
- dwMap Choose Route and Reverse Route
- dwMap Turn and Off-Route Notifications
- dwMap Background Maps
- dwMap Weather Field
- dwMap Elevation Profile Field
- dwMap Customized Data Fields
- 3D Route Previews
- UK Ordnance Survey, France IGN and SwissTopo Maps
- Planner Heatmaps
- Routes Map View
- dwMap Workout and Lap Alerts
- Garmin Activity History
- routeCourse Preview Map and Profile
- routeCourse Cue Sheets
- Rain and Wind Predictive Weather Forecasts
- mapField Off-Course Guidance
- Route-Specific Activity Types
- Bulk Editing of Routes
- Route Collections
- Route Archive
- Browse Linked Accounts Routes
- GraphHopper Cycling, MTB and Hiking Routes
- Elevation Profile and Statistics
- Automatic Strava Activity Titles
- GPX File Download
- Waypoints and Geocaching
- Editing Imported Routes