The dwMap Weather Data Field shows you real-time wind, rain and temperature data during your activity:
- Current temperature and percent probability of rain
- Current wind, showing whether it is a head, cross or tailwind
- How much assistance (or hinderance) is the current wind?
NOTE: We can only offer this feature on watches with 96kB or more of memory allocated to each app. These watches are listed in the article dwMap Background Maps. This field can also be used on the Instinct 2 and Descent G1 watches, although be aware the screen resolution of those watches is quite low.
The dwMap Weather Field offers similar real-time weather features as our standalone Rain & Wind Connect IQ data field.
Using the Weather Field
You will, of course, need to have your Garmin connected by Bluetooth to your phone in order for the field to be able to download weather data. The field updates the weather for your current position every 10 minutes. If the cloud icon is shown then this check was successful. If the cloud icon is not shown then the last check was not successful, but the field will keep trying to get the weather data every 10 minutes.
The arrow showing the wind direction is relative to your current direction of motion. In the above example, the wind is mostly a tail wind, coming from the left hand side. You should hold your watch in front of you in the normal way when reading it for the arrow to be in the right direction.
The wind speed shown is adjusted for your direction of motion to give you estimate of how much of it is behind (or against) you. In the above example, the true wind speed is probably around 4 or 4.5 mph but because it coming from the left, you are getting 3.7 mph of it behind you as a tail wind. A negative value for this number means it is a head wind rather than a tail wind.
Weather Data Coverage
The weather data are provided by Apple Weather through their Apple WeatherKit service, and incorporate data from other data sources.
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