NOTE this optional Companion phone app has fewer features than the website, which is fully mobile-enabled and works great on your phone. dwMap connects directly to the website. However the phone app is a handy way of doing some everyday interactions with dwMap, and allows you to store routes on your phone to later send to dwMap when you are offline.
To import a GPX file into the Companion Phone App, you just need to hit Share in the app it is coming from, then choose dynamicWatch as the app you want to send the GPX file to. The other app might be the OSMAnd app on Android, for example, the Files app on iPhone, or the Google Drive or Dropbox app if that is how you sent a GPX file to your phone.
If you wish to export a GPX file, use the Export GPX option on the ... menu next to each route on your routes list on the mobile-friendly dynamicWatch website
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